Monday, February 1, 2010


I have decided it is really easier to write about a trip while you are on the trip. Coming home presents a whole new set of issues and distractions. Like jet lag and family, laundry and cooking. Or even snow!
I arrived home from a wonderful trip to Ghana to find my house in a new state of happy chaos. Ruthanne was madly packing to return to school in Minnesota, paint had changed the color of 2 rooms, furniture was rearranged and Becky was coming to visit from New York City. Joyful times indeed, but there has not been much 'process' time. While trying to live in the moment, I am also committed to the remembering. The Lord showed us an outpouring of His grace as our team worked in a remote village. Friendships were forged and memories made. I want to put some of it down in print.
For today, a few pictures will have to do. Can you catch a glimpse of the fun? Life lessons abound.

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